Thursday, December 1, 2016

Found Poem from William Golding's Lord of the Flies

The Jungle: A Found Poem from Lord of the Flies

The arc of the lagoon
Between the palm trees
Scattered shadows from the darkness
Projecting through
To a point in infinity

The shore was fledged with palm trees
A bank covered with coarse grass
Fallen trees
Clouds of birds rose from tree tops

A diamond haze of the beach
Looking at the dazzling beach and water
With openness of the sun
Forced at last to believe in the reality of the island

They gazed intently at the dense blue of the horizon
And scanned the uncommunicative forest
Beneath the heat breeze crept over the clear water
The palm trees stood still to make a green roof

The wander breeze allowed coolness under the trees
Silence of the forest more intense than the heat
The island that they had guessed

The tide was low  
A strip of weed-strewn beach as firm as a road
Palm trees leaned against the light
Green feathers were a hundred feet up in the air

The ground beneath them 
A bank covered with coarse grass
Torn by upheavals of decaying palm saplings
Was the darkness of the forest 
Enclosed on either side
The view was robbed by mirage

Outside was the dark blue of the sea
Filled with a blue flower
The overflow hung down 
And spilled
Lavishly among the canopy of the forest 

Clambering among the pink rocks
With the sea on either side and crystal heights of air
Splintered trunks and then the drag
Leaving only a fringe of palm between the scar and the sea

By: Ada, Angela, Daniel, Emily, Noah, Shady, Steven

Source: Taken from page 4, 5, 11, 12, 15, 28, 29, 33, 36, 59

Images By: Emily and Noah

Monday, November 21, 2016

The Theme in "Do Seek Their Meat from God," by Charles G.D. Roberts


The theme in Robert's short story "Do Seek Their Meat from God," is that man and nature are always interconnected, and that they are always in a constant struggle for survival. Humans regard nature as dangerous and unpredictable, because there are too many secrets hidden within the forest. This is especially true at nighttime, for "through the dark of the thick woods," the settler cannot see or hear much of what is hiding. People are naturally afraid of the things they cannot see, so it is not surprising that animals like panthers are regarded as wild, viscous beasts. But animals kill simply to replenish their hunger, or in other words, they seek their meat from God. In this case, the two panthers hear a child's lonely cry in the forest and pursue it in order to survive and feed their young. They are innocent animals in comparison to humans, because people often give no second thoughts about harming animals in order to benefit from them. When two forces are constantly competing, there will always be a winner and a loser. The settler's kind heart enables him to find the courage to stand up to the panthers, and ultimately save the child. For the settler and the child to be able to survive, the panthers must have to die. As a result, this shows that the survival of mankind means the inevitable destruction of nature, in this case it is the whole panther family. The fact is, humans and nature are always going to be in competition, but ultimately mankind has the control over nature's fate.

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Monday, October 24, 2016

Vancouver Writers Fest 2016

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Today, I attended the "New Shoots" presentation at the Granville Island, 2016 Vancouver Writers Fest. The experience was unlike any other, and I'm honestly glad that I decided to go. Not only did I meet some well-known Canadian authors, I also learned many new things about writing. For one, I learned that people should pursue their dreams at a young age. They shouldn't wait until their too old, and have lost their passion to pursue their goals. Also, it is important for authors to get outside critique of their work. Only that way, can they see their work in another person's perspective and learn how to improve upon their writing.

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It was also interesting to learn that many starting authors prefer to write personal works instead of fiction works like fantasy or sci-fi. After getting to listen to some poems, it has inspired me and has given me more confidence in writing more about my own personal feelings and emotions. After the presentation, it also made me realize that the writing style of each person is unique, and that people prefer to write about different topics that relate to them personally. All in all, the experience was great and I've learned much more about writing, and also how to improve my own writing style.

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After the presentation, I went to an art gallery. The paintings and sculptures were mostly abstract, but their interesting shapes and colours really fascinated me. They perfectly represented the different cultures of the artists, and each one felt unique in the way it was made. I felt like it was the perfect ending to a great day at the Vancouver Writers Festival.

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Sunday, October 2, 2016



Colourful leaves fall

From waving branches in the

Wind blowing at night


Autumn Leaves #1

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Stars winking at night

Glide across the horizon

Following the moon 


Stars #1

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